Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops (1 μέλος/η είναι εδώ) (1) Επισκέπτης
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ΘΕΜΑ: Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 15/11/2009 21:42 από tradewind.
Απ:Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops 15 Χρόνια, 4 Μήνες πριν
Κarma: 8
The First RSC/SGC Symposium on Chemical Biology for Drug Discovery will take place in Oxford (UK), December 8-9, 2009
This two-day symposium brings together chemists and biologists to explore how the interdisciplinary field of chemical Biology is enhancing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease.
Scientific topics will include:
* discovery of chemical probes,
* proteinprotein interactions,
* chemical modification of biological molecules,
* pathway deconvolution,
* chemical genetics,
* association of molecular targets with disease.
These will be accompanied by perspectives on the growing trend of academic-industrial collaborations impacting chemical biology for drug discovery. Keynote lecturers will include Prof. Andrew Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor elect of Oxford University; Dr Tony Wood, Pfizer UK; Profs Ben Cravatt and Sheng Ding, Scripps; Prof. Andrew Hopkins, Dundee; and Dr Corey Nislow, Toronto.
Registration will cost in the region of £200 for RSC members, £250 for non-members and £100 for students.
For further information see www.confsec.co.uk
Contact person: Elaine Wellingham, Conference Secretariat
E-mail: confsec@blueyonder.co.uk
Απ:Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops 15 Χρόνια, 4 Μήνες πριν
Κarma: 8
28th Camerino-Cyprus-Noordwijkerhout Symposium
Camerino, Italy, May 16-20, 2010
18th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
Rhodes, Greece, September, 19-24, 2010
XXIst International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry
September 5-9, 2010 Brussels, Belgium
Απ:Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops 15 Χρόνια, 4 Μήνες πριν
Κarma: 8
Workshop: Preclinical Development and IND Filing: the nuts, bolts, and best practices
You are invited to attend this almost free workshop in the Bay Area next weekend:
Time: 12:30 - 5:30 PM
Date: 2009-11-21
Location: UCSF Mission Bay, Genentech Hall Auditorium, 600 16th Street, San Francisco, CA, 94158
Description: Workshop Outline
Investigational new drug (IND) application is an important milestone that marks the entry of a molecule into clinical development. Knowing the objectives, expectations, and processes of assembling and filing an IND is the key to not only a successful filing but also a promising clinical development path forward. Therefore, keeping up to date on the regulatory requirements and the industry's best practices in different aspects including non-clinical safety, PK, CMC, and clinical plan is paramount. In this workshop, our speakers highly experienced with IND filings will discuss systemically the preclinical studies required for small molecule IND filings and the nuts, bolts, and best practices for putting together a high-quality IND package, as well as how to interact with various regulatory agencies. Below are the topics to be covered:
- Overview of preclinical development and IND filing
- Various preclinical studies required (Safety, DMPK & CMC)
- Clinical Development plans
- Interfacing with regulatory agencies including FDA
Dr. Cuiping "Tracy" Chen, Director, PK, Depomed Inc.
Dr. Linval Depass, Executive Director, Nonclinical Safety, Duret Inc.
Dr. Bert Ho, Head, Pharmaceutical Development, ChemoCentryx Inc.
Admission: Online: $1 On-site: $5
Sponsors: Major Sponsor: MPI Research.
Organizers: CABS Scientific Committee
Απ:Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops 15 Χρόνια, 3 Μήνες πριν
Κarma: 8
18th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships
Dates : September 19-24, 2010
Διεθνές και στη χώρα μας 
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 20/11/2009 05:03 από tradewind.
Απ:Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops 15 Χρόνια, 3 Μήνες πριν
Κarma: 8
The Organizing Committee cordially invites you to attend the 14th Hellenic Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (HSMC-14) which will be held on
April 23-25, 2010
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Teloglion Foundation of Arts)
The Symposium is organized by the Hellenic Society of Medicinal Chemistry (HSMC) and the Division of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry of the Association of Greek Chemists (DOMC/AGC).
HSMC-14 continues the tradition of biannual meetings established since more than 25 years in Greece as a forum for the discussion of recent advances in the field of Medicinal Chemistry. The topics of the Symposium include drug design and lead identification and optimization, covering all therapeutic areas, as well as the impact of ADME/Tox properties in drug discovery. Organic Synthesis, Natural Products, Biochemistry and Chemical Biology, Pharmacology, Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics are integrated to create the environment for fruitful interchange of ideas between scientists involved in Medicinal Chemistry related areas.
The official language of the Symposium is English.
Thessaloniki, the capital of North Greece, is a fascinating city and cultural center, steeped in the Byzantine Era, where you can at the same time enjoy modern life style activities. The Symposium venue is located in the heart of Thessaloniki and easily accessible, offering to the participants the possibility to visit the most important historical sites, such as Vergina, the place where the tomb of Philip 2nd, King of Macedonia and Alexander's the Great father was found, Dion, at mountain Olympus, where the ancient Greeks were celebrating their gods and Mountain Athos, where the autonomous Holy community of monks is located.
The official opening of the symposium will take place in the main Hall of the Aristolte University of Thessaloniki, which is in the center of Thessaloniki. The lectures will be given in the Auditorium of Teloglion Foundation of Arts, which is located opposite the upper site of University campus, at St Dimitrios avenue, No 159A. It is a unique place with a big art collection, where the art is perfectly combined with science.
Looking forward to your active participation
Anna Tsantili-Kakoulidou, President of HSMC
George Kokotos, President of DOPC/AGC
Symposium Co-ordinators
Απ:Διεθνή συνέδρια και workshops 15 Χρόνια, 3 Μήνες πριν
Κarma: 8
International Symposium on "The Future Vision & Challenges in Pharmacy Profession"
For full details please visit: www.pharmanextindia.com/pharmacon
A big International Symposium on “The Future Vision & Challenges in Pharmacy Profession” in historical city Jaipur, India. It is being jointly organized by Pharmanext & SEARPharm Forum in association with several other professional bodies in pharmacy and related sciences. Pharmacy profession is considered to be one of the important professions as it contributes significantly in the development of healthcare sector which is of paramount importance for a nation’s growth..
As per the Pharma vision 2020 developed by Pharmacy Council of India and Indian Pharmaceutical Association, the pharmacist will:
1. interact with other professional as the preferred source of information and advice on prescribing and medicine management of disease,
2. develop their pharmaceutical expertise and facilities in order to deliver high-tech and individually tailored medicine in the primary care settings,
3. actively involve in national health programmes, promotion of essential drugs, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, Tobacco cessation and family planning, and
4. become knowledgeable to participate in medication management and outcome monitoring.
This symposium is specially planned to fulfill these objectives. We need to reach out to public creating awareness among the sections of the society by involving the social organizations, NGO’s and through advocacy and networking. Pharmanext & SEARPharm Forum take this initiative to discuss these important issues in this International Symposium. In addition to the technical symposium consisting of plenary and invited talks, and presentation of contributed papers related to the theme, we shall be also organizing two workshops (Pre & Post) specially focused to Antimicrobial Resistance and Clinical Research respectively.
Details at www.pharmanextindia.com/pharmacon
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 02/12/2009 04:04 από tradewind.
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